Fruit Salad
Fruit Salads are not only a great way to provide a healthier sweet dish but they also provide the most amazing, beautiful colors on tables.
“Picking seasonal fruits is the best place to start, if you see something new don't be afraid to try it!”
Fruit salads are best if assembled right before serving in order to avoid sogginess, browning etc. To save yourself some time though you can prep your fruits by cleaning if necessary.
Have you heard of the Clean Fifteen and the Dirty Dozen?
These lists compiled by the Environmental Working Group are so important to have handy when you shop. They are updated every year and let you know which fruits you are safe to purchase conventionally (non organic) and the ones which should be organic.
Any and all seasonal fruits, pick 5-6 to start
Shredded Coconut
Chopped Nuts
Pomegranate Seeds
Wild Harvested Honey
Coconut Whipped Cream
Chia Seeds
Fruit Ideas
1. Choose 5-6 seasonal fruits
2. Give variety of texture by chopping, slicing and adding in non fruit ingredients
3. Keep chilled till just before serving
Ingredient Benefits
Each fruit offers its own unique beautiful benefits. Most common are the high essential nutrient content, and hydrating benefits
Depending on which fruits you choose the benefits will of course vary but know you are doing your body good any time you attempt to consume items as close to nature as possible
Sarah’s Tips
One of my favorite combinations is - Grapefruit, Pineapple, Blackberries, Shredded Coconut and Chopped Walnuts.
Some fruits age a little quicker than others so it is best to serve your fruit salad right after you have mixed it. You can add a little bit of lemon juice and stir to help with natural preservation.