New Year New You?

Reading Time: 7 Minutes

How about - New Year New You Fulfilled You

It’s that time, a new year is here, we may be full of emotions, optimism, heaviness, let downs, reflection & busyness. It’s an interesting period, energy & feelings swirling.

You may be reflecting on this past year, anticipating the upcoming year, developing goals, full of joy & happiness, feeling the heaviness of emotions, feeling disappointed, maybe attempting to process events among other things.

A common theme that comes up this time of year is the pressure to start the new year off strong, new year new you mindset, make resolutions, make a 180 when it comes to habits, manifest, exercise intensely, restrict, set expectations, lose the weight, be a newer, better version of yourself…

“Is there really something so wrong with the current version?”

Of course there will always be areas we can improve, but who we are as people, our being, our individuality is beautiful, perfect & need not change nor conform.

The pressure you put on yourself, or allow other entities to create can make you feel like a failure when you have an off day, or when a method isn’t working for you… you are not the problem, you require what works best for you on an individual level & it takes time to figure out what that is, it will constantly evolve & shift, with age & with life events.

“Goals are important, they are helpful at times, but HOW you set a goal & the reality of achieving it are equally important.”

New Year’s Resolutions can bring on unneeded stress, they can push you backwards, or make you feel like you are failing or missing the mark, especially when it comes to health related goals.

Perhaps it’s not that the goal is unattainable, maybe expectations were created that didn’t honor your unique situation or circumstances.

Maybe you didn’t take into consideration that you are different than everyone else in this world. Biologically unique & shaped by your life experience, so you require a unique approach that honors you as a person.

When we don’t stick with or achieve our resolutions or goals we feel like we failed or let ourselves down… which will in turn affect our overall health. It takes time to get out of balance in any area so it will take time & a methodical, individualized, approach to get back in balance.

Instead of making lofty, pressure filled & at times unrealistic resolutions or goals, start with setting intentions & creating mini goals.

Many of us are more than ready to say goodbye to last year and its remnants, but it’s important to remain present & to reflect in this moment. Look back on what you accomplished, even if you didn’t set goals or resolutions previously.

“Look back & celebrate yourself, what did you accomplish? Where did you grow? What did you make it through? What did you uncover? What did you learn? How did you promote better health? How did you help someone else? Where were you this time last year?”

Allow this time & space to look at how you’ve grown , how you’ve moved , where you are now, what you have learned etc… It can be anything, even if you feel like you just barely made it here, or you may even feel like you backtracked, everything is going to be okay & look at that, you made it through.

This time of year should be focused on moving forward & through, along with creating realistic, fulfilling, goals & intentions in the new year.

Setting intentions takes the pressure off, it allows you to move forward with intent in mind, knowing that you can re-evaluate & re-adjust without feeling like you “failed”.

Being intentional allows you to create a state of mind surrounding your path forward instead of focusing on achieving one specific thing, so no matter what comes up or where you deviate you are resting in this intentional space.

You aren’t squandering the “new year energy” if you don’t set intense goals, there is a whole year ahead to focus, renew, restore, change & shift.

Don’t spend too much time, energy or mental space stressing about it.

You can only do what you can in a moment, day, month or year.

“Each person's circumstances & 24 hours look completely different.”

My prayer & hope for you in this New Year:

❤︎That you will find space & time to celebrate you, & to reflect on what you moved through this year.

❤︎That you will be intentional in whatever way honors you, YOUR life & individual circumstances. That you would find more space for what fulfills YOU.

❤︎That you would release the pressure of intense resolutions/goals that do more harm than good. Allow space & time to develop mini goals & intentions that will help you be your most present self while supporting your health overall mental, emotional, physical & spiritual.

Wishing you a blessed, fulfilled New Year that honors who you are as an incredible, unique being,



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